

Favoreats LLC

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20 Tequila and Mezcal Cocktails to Try Right Now

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

ready fire aim

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

mezcal mule

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

tequila mockingbird

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving


1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving


1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

tequila sunrise

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

oaxaca old fashioned

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

bloody maria

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving


1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

tequila daisy

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

tequila manhattan

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

añejo old fashioned

1 serving

liquor.com / tim nusog

1 serving

get the recipe

1 serving

polar bear

1 serving


1 lb

josé wal anger


continue to of 20 below

1 serving

ile rouge

1 serving

loaded pistol

1 serving

arlene ibarra


continue to of 20 below

1 serving

bright lights

1 serving



continue of 20 below


continue of 20 below

1 serving

el diablo