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Zucchini Canning

  • -1 minutes
  • Serves -1


1 serving

zucchini canning recipes left to right: zucchini relish

1 can

the bad news though? you 't just can zucchini

1 can

but just because you 't can zucchini


less exactly like home-canned pineapple

1 serving

zucchini pickles

1 serving

the idea behind making zucchini pickles isn't all that different from old cucumber pickles

1 serving

i like using my bread and butter pickles recipe

1 serving

zucchini relish

1 serving

making relish

1 Ball

this tested zucchini relish recipe comes from the book guide to preserving

1 serving

zucchini in pineapple juice

1 serving

less exactly like pineapple

1 ball

the book actually includes a recipe

1 serving

zucchini marmalade

1 can

this one might be my favorite zucchini ning recipe

1 serving

lemon zest

1 serving

it also includes ginger

1 serving

canning zucchini

1 serving

this zucchini canning recipe is by far the most savory

1 serving



by mixing parts and tomatoes

1 serving

but why not

1 serving

they're and tangy

1 serving

this one's really unique